Monday 18 December 2017

Case Studies - Victoria Vincent

Find true love from victoria vincent on Vimeo.

Victoria Vincent's short animated film titled 'Find True Love' depicts a characters failings at online dating and captures the pitfalls of the search for love online. Vincent describes this video as a way of portraying 'this kind of strange emotional connection we have with the internet in a light-hearted movie'.

"Despite the anonymity that the internet grants it's users, there is still anxiety that comes with trying to connect with people online. We google questions we dont know how to ask other people and face anxiety over sending/recieving messages. It's something that I think every internet user can relate to." - Victoria Vincent for It's Nice That

Throughout the video, we see the protagonist battle with his anxieties over contacting this girl that he's found via a tinder-esque platform. Overlapping shots of text boxes and action represent the inner turmoil faced when trying to figure out how to correctly message this girl, and this turmoil is further heightened when she doesn't reaply, with humorous google searches leaving the protagonist wondering if he's destined for a life in solitude. The animation ends with him being blocked by said girl. In a way, this shows how disconnected interactions online actually are. Somebody has the power to completley cut off a point of communication in what could be seen as quite a cold-hearted way. There is no consideration for the recipricant of the 'block', furthing showing the emotional disocnnection we face whilst using online services.

kittykat96 from victoria vincent on Vimeo.

Inspired by the world of vlogging and Youtube stars, Vincents newest animation "kittykat96" documents the life of an 'internet famous girl' whose online persona comes to life as a seperate entity to her physical self. The two entities are further blurred and tensions is heightened, despite the protagonists use of keyboard commands such as undo, delete and escape to rid herself of this physical manifestation of her online self. The film questions our obsessions with the internet and how our online personas are just curated versions of ourselves.

"I wanted to think of a way to show how the protagonist would see that she couldnt live entirley as her internet persona or entirley without it" - Victoria Vincent for It's Nice That

This animation brings to light the idea of true self vs real self vs hoped for self, an idea proposed by Sherry Turkle in her book 'Alone Together'. Through use of different social media platforms, we purposley curate our accounts to portray an appealing side to us. Everyday life is filtered through to a highlight reel, showing only the impressive or positive parts of our lives, where as the more negative and dull parts will be filtered out. We are never truly ourselves. The different versions of ourselves we portray must come together to give an over-arching image of who we really are as a person.

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