Monday 20 February 2017

Zine Taxonomy - Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture, Stephen Duncombe

Fanzines - Publications devoted to discussing the intricacies and nuances of a cultural genre
- Science Fiction
- Music
- Sports
- Television and Film
- Other

Politcal Zines
- Politics (with a big P), more or less traditional categories such as anarchist, socialist, libertarian, fascists, feminist, queer
- politics (with a little p), do not identify explicitly with traditional categories but with political/cultural critique as a major focus

Personal Zines/Perzines 
- are personal diaries open to the public; notes on day to day life, thoughts and experiences of the writer

Scene Zines
- news and views on the local music and underground scene in the writers area

Network Zines
- concentrate on reviewing and publicizing other zines, music, art, etc 

Fringe Culture Zines 
- cover assassination theories and 'proof' of secret nefarious undertakings, UFO's and serial killers. They deal with the standard fare of supermarket tabloids, but explored with more depth and intelligence.

Religious Zines
- witches, paganists, born-again christians, as well as 'joke' religions, all put out zines for the faithful and wayward

Vocational Zines
- tell the stories of life on the job 

Health Zines 
- contain recipes for healthy food, information about disease and medication etc

Sex Zines
- deal with straight, queer, bondage, black leather stories, pictures - a zine for probably every sexual proclivity

Travel Zines 
- Very often in the form of 'road trip' diaries

- Underground comic books on themes humorous, serious and nonsensical 

Literary Zines 
- showcase original short fiction and poetry

Art Zines 
- contain print media, collages, photographs, drawings, and mail art which create a network of artists and a floating virtual gallery

The Rest 
- a large category 

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