Sunday 7 January 2018

Future Minds - Richard Watson

'the average person spends 45 percent of their waking hours on media and communication'

'furthermore, our attention and our relationships are getting atmoized. We are connected globally, but our local relationships are becoming wafer thin and ephemeral. We are in danger of developing a society that is globally connected and collaborative, but one that is also impatient, isolated, and detached from reality.' -pg 3

'but constant connectivity means that we are replacing intimacy with familiarity, and this can also make our physical relationships with other people more ephemeral' - pg 7

'the anonymity of the web is eroding empathy, encouraging antisocial behaviour, and promoting virtual courage over real emotion.' - pg 7

'personal communication is changing too. Want to dump your boyfriend? Just alter your profile status on Facebook from 'in a relationship' to 'single'. After all, if you'd wanted to speak to him in person you'd have sent him a text.' - pg 14

' if you need to communicate with someone it is usually unnecessary to see them physically. These are people ( to paraphrase Nick Bilton, author of I live in the Future and Here's How It Works) who do not see any distincition between real-life friendships that involve talking or looking someone in the eye and virtual ones, where communication is through email or text message. Facebook and Twitter as well as virtual communities such as Second Life also feed into the desir to be reassured that one is not alone, so screenagers use this kind of site to check o their own existence and coalesce around an ever changing universe of friends and online culture.' - pg 14

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